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I am moving my website
Well you all I am leaving this website. I have created a new one. One that will actually let me have fun and do my own thing. Check it out and let me know what you think.  www.webstarts.com/realghostbusters
GhostBusters a Videogame Review
Hey as you probably know Ghostbusters the video game came out June 16th. There are two versions of the game. One is mainly for younger people (Wii, Ps2, DS) and the other more realistic adult version (Xbox360, PS3, PC). First off I think they both are really good games and anyone who is a fan , it's a must have. First I want to talk about the Wii version. Although fun the controls take a bit to get use to. I do like how they changed some of the ghost in this version, because of that it made it seem like two different games. Something I didn't like was the annoying puzzles you had to figure out. They are pretty easy but annoying to me. Plus you don't get alot of the dialog and some of the jokes and stuff are left out, they do however add little things that aren't in the other version. Overall I like the game.    Now for the 360 version. What can I say except for AWESOME. The graphics, story , gameplay , everything is just amazing. The fact that all the actors are back including Annie Potts and the actor who plays Walter Peck. It just blows your mind who all came back for the game. Now for something I don't like. Reading reviews on places like Gamespot which rated 360 a 7.5 and the Wii an 8 really? I mean what are you smokin? To say the game is short but say Call of Duty series is great when the gameplay on those are even shorter. Even reading player reviews saying they stold the graphics from Gears of War, I mean come on, Really? and crying about having to revive players when they are down but they don'y cry about it on Rainbow 6 Vegas, Gears of War, Left 4 Dead... just to name a few, Which are games I also like. I mean to give it a bad review because you say it don't have a jump button. Do these people really play the game? If you had played it  B or the red button is jump/dodge. It just blows my mind when I read stuff like that. Coming from a true Ghostbusters fan I give it A 10++. I mean it seems sometimes us GB fans just can't get a break. They do alot of these great comics like Transformers, GI Joe, Voltron, and they turn out great. We get GB and the stories are crap even though the artwork is good. They get the DVD's, we get the DVD's and you have to order it online. or hope a store near you actually gets it in. All right I'll stop now. If you're a fan buy it. thats all.


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